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Monday, May 9, 2016

Somali Students culture show in Malaysia


This week Malaysian universities are hosting their annual convocation ceremony for student graduating from various degrees and studies. These graduation days represent the highlight of the student’s achievement. The occasion enables universities   to publicly recognize and reward student achievement. It is also intended for graduates to receive their well-earned praise from parents, partners and friends.

This year marks the largest Somali students to graduate from Malaysia’s universities across Malaysia. Over 35 Somali student will be awarded degrees in different fields. Yaasir Mohamed, a student activist who has been in Malaysia over the past four years could not hide his excitements “despite of incremental challenges facing Somali students, they are showing serious commitment to education, we are competing and often exceeding students from more stable environment”

Center for Research and Dialogue - Somalia (CRD), a Somali research institution based in Somali was invited by the Somali student for a public forum. The intent of the forum was to exchange research findings and engage public dialogue. The session also provided research data and first hand analysis of the current dynamics on the ground from across Somalia and the Horn of Africa region in general. The CRD team engaged the students over 4 hour intensive discussion regarding the role of the students in rebuilding the Somalia nation. Abdullahi Egal, Secretary General of Somali students Association point out that “Fora of such level allows students to creatively discuss on a contemporarily issues pertaining to Somali people, in a university setting students can generate new ideas to help Somalia but also learn from each other” 

Jabril Ibrahim Abdulle, Director of CRD, presented a comprehensive analysis of the current socio-economic realities of Somalia, its internal and external dimensions, the foundations of the dynamics that lead to the current unacceptable situation of the country. Using facts and figures compiled by many institutions and the contribution of the CRD researchers and other independent analyst, Jabril managed to deliver a detailed background and research findings in his presentation. This presentation grabbed the student’s attention and it has generated a lengthy discussion that challenged the thinking of many of the students. Abdulkadir Mohamed, one the students who attended the session indicated that in many times students lack any relevant and up-to date information from Somalia “It is hard to do comprehensive research on Somalia as there is no contemporary data, this kind of engagement provide us with an intellectual and critical thinking on our approach to the Somali crisis”

Mohamed Ibrahim, research fellow at Melbourne University and CRD Chairman, covered the role of education and Media /IT in achieving peaceful resolution to the Somali conflict and achieving a fast-tracked sustainable economic development. The discussions focused on the source of the information Somalis received and how world media portrays Somalis and Somalia conflict. Mohamed emphasized the need to acquire knowledge and applied in a meaningful way. He pointed out that” We will not be able to recover from the mess we are in without educated generation taking over”

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